Gretchen Tong, RT
My specialty is treatment of skin cancers. I graduated from City College San Francisco as a Radiation Therapist in the class of ’84. During my 30 years experience I have watched as the technology improved, becoming much more effective and safe for the patient.
The professionalism and friendliness of the team-members I work with and especially contacts with my patients make coming to work a pleasure. In spite of the progress in technology, my treatments cause anxiety to some patients when they first come in. They become reassured when they learn that our cure rate is above 95 percent and that each session requires only one pain-free minute.
Patients sometimes approach a treatment plan as an interruption in their busy lives. However, they return for multiple treatments, which provides me with opportunities to get to know them personally. They become much more than just a name. A spirit of comradery and friendship is able to grow up between us. By the end of their treatment plan, my patients are pleased with their experience and glad to refer Balfour Dermatology to friends and acquaintances with skin problems.
I’ve been married for nearly 20 years. We have a son who was a member of Antioch High’s 2017 graduating class. I enjoy camping. We love to go up in the Gold Country with our new pop-up. We love the get-up-and-go convenience of our new trailer. We recent joined the United Prospectors International prospecting club and we are able to take our sluice and gold pans and check to see if there is any more “gold up in them thar hills.” It’s just fun; we probably aren’t going to get rich, but then, who knows?